
Tomb of Yue Fei in Hangzhou

Tomb of Yue Fei in Hangzhou

Tomb of Yue Fei in Hangzhou

Tomb of General Yue Fei in Hangzhou is situated in Hangzhou. Yue Fei (1103-1142), 岳飞 in Chinese, was a brilliant Song general who repeatedly repelled incursions by the Khitans of the Jin Dynasty. His unwavering loyalty to a corruptible court led to his demise. The tomb was constructed in 1221 AD to commemorate the general and his son who was also executed; and subsequent dynasties have contributed to the compound. There are elegant stove carvings and statues in the tomb site from ancient time, and the garden is quiet and nice too. The entrance fee is CNY25, and it opens from 7am to 5pm.

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