Niya Site(Jingjue State)
The ruin of Niya was discovered by Stein in 1901 when he was exploring Xinjiang. He took 12 boxes of relics from Niya to Europle, which made him famous unexpectedly. Located in Minfeng County, Niya was actually the ruin of Jingjue Kingdom 2000 years ago, but disappeared in the history and no one knew the reason why the citizens abandoned this city about 1700 year ago.
It was recorded clearly about this Kingdom in the book Han Dynasty, which played a key role on the Southern Silk Road in the history. The archeologists have found within the site houses, backyards, graveyards, stupas, Buddhist temples, fields, garden, pens for livestock, trenches, pottery kilns and smelting site. Unearthed were also carpentry, bronze, iron, pottery and stone wares, wool, coins and wooden slips.
It is still difficult to travel there without permit. If you are interested, please contact Silkroadtrips, we can help you visit t the Eastern Pompeii.
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