Mogao Cave 322
Mogao Cave 322 was built in early Tang Dynasty (618-704AD). This cave has a square main hall in shape and a double-recess large niche in the west wall with seven sculptures inside. The central Buddha is seated in paryankabandha gesture and holds in vitaka mudra with two legs and feet wrapped with the outer robe, right hand upwards and left hand on left knee. This type is a current style of the central seated Buddha figures from the late period of Early Tang to the early period of High Tang. Two bhiksus, one older and one younger, flank the central Buddha and form the Ten Disciples of Buddha together with the eight bhiksus images painted on the wall behind them. Next to the bhiksus are two Bodhisattvas standing on lotus bases with plaited hair and slanting net-like scarves and dhotis. The outermost lokapalas wear helmets, fighting robes and black boots, just like the warriors in the Tang dynasty. Different from those in other caves, the sculptures with tall noses and broad mouths look more like "persons" close to real life than "deities" The Thousand-Buddha motifs frame a large square panel of the preaching scene on sidewalls respectively. In the four comers and at the positions a little above the centers of the four walls are several molded hook-shaped things, which might be used for hanging the votive banners.
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