
Mogao Cave 196

Mogao Cave 196

Mogao Cave 196

Mogao Cave 196 was constructed during Late Tang period (848-907 AD). This cave has a truncated pyramidal ceiling and a square altar in the middle of the main hall. Along the west edge of the altar is a screen connecting the altar and the ceiling. On the altar stand seven stucco figures consisting of one Buddha, two bhiksus, two Bodhisattvas and two lokapalas. The Bodhisattva and lokapalas on the south side are ost, and the right arm and right leg of Ananda are also heavily broken, as a result of the earthquake in 1920. The stucco figures are all sculptured in three dimensions, and the central Buddha is seated on a Sumeru throne in paryankahandha gesture . The Bodhisattva on the north side looks vivid and natural : sitting on a lotus base in an easygoing gesture with half naked upper body in scarves worn in a slanting way and the skirt of the lower body hanging down from the lotus base naturally. The massive and plump upper body and the smooth skin with luster convey an impression of transcendentness.
The whole west wall is devoted to the illustration of the contest between Sariputra and Raudraksa« in strict composition and vivid depiction, similar 1o the one in cave 9.

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