
Mogao Cave 55

Mogao Cave 55

Mogao Cave 55

Mogao Cave 98 was constructed during Song Dynasties (960---1036AD). Cave 55 is similar to cave 98 in construction form. On the central altar are images of the Three Assemblies of Maiueya composed of three groups of stucco figures one Buddha and two bhiksus in the center. one Buddha and two Bodhisattva attendants on either side. The guarding warrior on the south side who supports the throne of the cen- trat image is dressed in armor with left leg bent on the lotus base and looks true to life. According [o Buddhist sutra, Maitreya Bodhisattva will be born below in Jambudvipa as a Buddha after Sakyamuni's nirvana and preach three times under the dragon-flower tree. The four slopes and the sidewalls are covered with large-sized illustrations, and the whole west wall is devoted to the illustration of the contest between Sariputra and Raudraksa, Though old composition is followed, the painting techniques and representative style of the figures are much more inferior.

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