
Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries

Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries

Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries

In 2006,Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries was inscribed on the list of World Heritage by UNESCO.
The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries is mainly located between the Dadu River and Mount Min, in the Qionglai Mountains between the Chengdu Plains and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is 180 kilometers long from south to north and 40 to 70 kilometers wide from east to west. It contains four cities and prefectures, and 12 counties including Chengdu, Ya’an, Aba and Ganzi. It also includes nine scenic spots and eight nature reserves that cover an area of 9,510 square kilometers. Its core area, covering an area of 5,370 square kilometers, includes the Wolong Nature Reserve, Siguniang Mountain and the Jiajin Mountain of the Qionglai Mountains. More than 30 percent of wild giant pandas currently live in this area and it has become the world’s largest remaining contiguous habitat of the giant panda.
The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries consist of seven nature reserves and nine scenic parks.

Seven Nature Reserves
Wolong Nature Reserve (Chinese: 卧龙自然保护区)
Fengtongzhai Nature Reserve (Chinese: 蜂桶寨自然保护区)
Mt. Siguniang Nature Reserve (Chinese: 四姑娘山自然保护区)
Laba River Nature Reserve (Chinese: 喇叭河自然保护区)
Anzihe Nature Reserve (Chinese: 鞍子河自然保护区)
Heishui River Nature Reserve (Chinese: 黑水河自然保护区)
Jintang-Kongyu Nature Reserve (Chinese: 金汤—孔玉自然保护区)
Caopo Nature Reserve (Chinese: 草坡自然保护区)

Nine Scenic Parks
Mt. Qingcheng-Dujiangyan Scenic Park (Chinese: 青城山—都江堰风景名胜区)
Mt. Tiantai Scenic Park (Chinese: 天台山风景名胜区)
Mt. Siguniang Scenic Park (Chinese: 四姑娘山风景名胜区)
Xiling Snow Mountain Scenic Park (Chinese: 西岭雪山风景名胜区)
Mt. Jiguan-Jiulonggou Scenic Park (Chinese: 鸡冠山—九龙沟风景名胜区)
Mt. Jiajin Scenic Park (Chinese: 夹金山风景名胜区)
Miyaluo Scenic Park (Chinese: 米亚罗风景名胜区)
Mt. Lingzhen-Mt. Daxue Scenic Park (Chinese: 灵鹫山—大雪峰风景名胜区)

Mt. Erlang Scenic Park (Chinese: 二郎山风景名胜区)

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