
South China Karst

South China Karst

South China Karst

In 2007, South China Karst was inscribed on the list of World Heritage by UNESCO.
South China Karst is one of the world’s most spectacular examples of humid tropical to subtropical karst landscapes. It is a serial site spread over the provinces of Guizhou, Guangxi, Yunnan and Chongqing and covers 176,228 hectares. It contains the most significant types of karst landforms, including tower karst, pinnacle karst and cone karst formations, along with other spectacular characteristics such as natural bridges, gorges and large cave systems. The stone forests of Shilin are considered superlative natural phenomena and a world reference. The cone and tower karsts of Libo, also considered the world reference site for these types of karst, form a distinctive and beautiful landscape. Wulong Karst has been inscribed for its giant dolines (sinkholes), natural bridges and caves.
China is one of the countries in the world with largest carbonate rock occurred, and it is in south China that the most typical and diverse karst landforms developed. Centered by Guizhou Province and covering some 600,000 square kilometers the South China Karst terrain is believed the largest single karst area in the world, including eastern Yunnan, most of Guizhou, with a major extension into parts of Chongqing, Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei and Guangdong. With high altitude plateau (average 2000-2200 elevation) in the northwest and low-lying plain (average 100-120 elevation) in the southeast, the overall topography features a giant slope declining from northwest to southeast.

Stone Forest (Shilin) in Yunnan Province
Stone Forest is located about 78 km away from Kunming, with all sorts of formations of stone that look like animals, human, and trees etc.

Open hours
8am to 5pm

Entrance fee

CNY175 per person

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