
Mount Wutai

Mount Wutai

Mount Wutai

In 2009, Mount Wutai was inscribed on the list of World Heritage by UNESCO.
Mount Wutai, located in the northeastern part of Shanxi province, is 230 kilometers away from the provincial capital city Taiyuan. It is equally famous with Mount Emei of Sichuan province, Mount Jiuhua of Anhui province, and Mount Putuo of Zhejiang province, as the four famous Buddhist mountains of China.
Being a Chinese Buddhism and tourism attraction, Mount Wutai is listed as one of the best of China’s top 10 summer resorts. Mount Wutai is glutted with wonderful peaks and cliffs, including 50 most famous peaks and cliffs. The Writing Cliff will show seal characters and official scripts when watering the cliff and wiping away the water with handkerchief. Removing the surface of the rock, the cliff remains to show Chinese characters.
Mount Wutai is home to some of the oldest existent wooden buildings in China that have survived since the era of the Tang Dynasty (618–907). This includes the main hall of Nanchan Monastery and the East Hall of Fuguang Monastery, built in 782 and 857, respectively.

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