
Ancient City of Ping Yao

Ancient City of Ping Yao

Ancient City of Ping Yao平遥古城

Ping Yao, located in the center of Shanxi Province in China, is a well-preserved city with traditional Chinese architecture style, which was inscribed on the list of Word Heritage by UNESCO in 1997. The history of Pingyao can be traced back to the 14th century During Ming Dynasty, that was the first time to build the city wall that was enhanced in 18 the century. Today the travelers still can walk on the original 6163-m old city wall to overview the entire city on the city wall. Though covering only 2.25 square kms, the old city has built various buildings including the first banking institute in the 19th and early 20th centuries, which played key role for the state finance at the time. Nowadays there are old government building, Confucius temple, Qingxu Taoism Temple, Rishenchao Bank Museum etc. in the old city for visitors to wander around. There are also various shops, guesthouses, bars, and restaurants in the old city for the tourists. While wondering in the old town, you will have a feeling that you were travelling back 100 years ago as the old houses and layout of the town are so well-preserved. You should choose Kang, the traditional local brick bed in the guesthouses to experience the local life. Moreover, the local noodles and beef are best delicacy in Pinyao.
The heritage property includes three parts: the entire area within the walls of Ping Yao, Shuanglin Temple 6 kilometers southwest of the county seat, and Zhenguo Temple 12 kilometers northeast of the county seat.

Open time:
All year around.

Entrance Fee:
Package tickets for Zhengguo Temple. Shuanglin Temple and Pingyao: CNY150.00 per ticket

Note: If you do not visit the museums and ancient institutes etc. in the old city, you do not have to pay.

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