
Steamed twisted roll

Steamed twisted roll

Steamed twisted roll

Huajuan (steamed twisted roll) is favored in northern China. It can be seen as an artistic version of steamed bun (mantou). The twisted roll blossoms like a flower and invites one to take one more bite. Made of flour just like steamed bun, steamed twisted doll is spongier. Wheat is grown throughout the world and people of different countries have invented colorful pasta. Similar to hot dog, people in Shaanxi province of Northwest China put pork or beef inside pancakes to make roujiamo. While Italians enjoy spaghetti, people in Shanxi, a neighbor province of Shaanxi, enjoy a special noodle named knife sliced noodles (daoxiaomian) made by slicing dough into the boiling pot. There are some specific requirements in making the steamed twisted roll. From making the dough to twisting the roll and steaming it, a single error could result in very dissatisfactory taste. One or two twisted rolls with rice porridge and pickles would furnish a typical delicious breakfast in China.

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