Sponge gourd brush
As its name suggests, this brush is made from dried sponge gourd. With the skin peeled, the sponge gourd provides tenacious fiber for a brush that is commonly used to clean dishes. As various modern equipment dazzle housewives who fight a continuous battle against dust and grease, few still remember the sponge gourd brush that was born in the agricultural society.
Some fashionable people, however, have discovered the miraculous functions of the sponge gourd in clearing away dead skin and encouraging metabolism. In traditional Chinese medicine, the fiber of sponge gourd is often used to tackle inflammation, dissolving swellings and reducing phlegm. In daily life, fresh sponge gourd is an ideal ingredient for soup. It tastes soft, slightly fragrant and melts in the mouth. For the busy urbanites, making a sponge gourd soup can clear away earthly worries and bring back memories in the leisurely countryside.
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