
Split pants

Split pants

Split pants

Children are enjoying a dazzling array of clothes as fashion industry reaches every corner of modern life. But the split pants still seem to be the uniform of babies and toddlers in the country. Every Chinese, no matter a handsome man or a charming woman, most probably grew up wearing the split pants that reveal the babies 'tender buttocks. The popularity of the split pants stems from the practical need of helping the child excrete constantly. There is also a traditional belief that "a child's buttocks carry three fires" – even if a baby is wears the split pants in winter, he or she won’t catch a cold easily as adults do. The persistence of the split pants also comes from a lack of respect for the baby’s privacy. In the West, everyone, including a new-born, enjoys privacy. It might be too serious to link the split pants with privacy, but it’s certainly a matter of cultural difference when it comes to split ants and disposable diapers.

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