
Mosquito incense

Mosquito incense

Mosquito incense

The three summer insects-flea, mosquito and fly-are nuisances for everyone. Besides causing itchy bumps, the mosquitoes also spread illnesses like malaria and epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. The mosquito incense is a "chemical weapon" against the annoying insect. As the incense slowly burns, the insecticide is released into the air. The first written record about mosquito incense was made in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279). But it was shaped like a stick. The coiled incense commonly seen today was invented later. Some re searchers have found that the coiled incense made of sawdust and rice bran will emit a substance that causes cancer when it is lit. But how to keep the mosquitoes away? There are several suggestions using mosquito net and window screen to keep them outside your home ; put a few boxes of cooling ointment in the room and leave them uncovered, eat garlic, whose smell mosquitoes don't like (your partner probably doesn't, either) ; dress in white, as mosquitoes favor dark color. Although there are so many options, old-fashioned people still prefer the coiled mosquito incense.

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