Long-life lock
Sending gifts to a newborn is a difficult thing. Most of the parents have stocked ample formula milk and diapers. Some young people send pretty clothing or toys, but usually these have to wait until the baby is older. Some old people would send the long-life lock, which is a small silver lock bearing words like "100 years of life", "longevity and prosperity","10, 000 years of affluence and prominence". Traditional amulets usually bring good luck and drive away evils. To bring peace of mind, people need something powerful to fend off disturbances from imagined sources. It is said that the Lord of Hell prefers taking lives of the newborn. But when a baby has a long-life lock around its neck upon the first birthday, the Lord of Hell would think the child has been locked and won't take the young life. Every long-life lock carries the parents' best wishes for their offspring.
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