Legalism was one of very important schools in China in the ancient time. Legalism, 法家 in Chinese, this school of philosophy known concerned itself with politics. Its teachings, however, differed greatly from the teachings of Confucianism. The Legalists believed in power, not virtue, and in harsh laws. In their view, people were by nature selfish and untrustworthy. Peace and prosperity could be achieved only by threatening severe punishment if people did not obey the laws.
The first Qin emperor, Shi Huangdi, followed the ideas of Legalism. He succeeded in creating a powerful empire, but his dynasty ruled for a very short period. Later Chinese philosophers believed that the Qin Dynasty failed because of its extremely cruel methods.
The government of the Han Dynasty took over the Legalist priciples of the Qin Dynasty, but tempered the application of those principles with Confucian values. The Han Dynasty probably lasted as long as it did because it achieved a balance between the Legalist and Confucian approaches to government.
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