Jiawu Sino-Japanese War
In the year of 1894 (the 20th year of Emperor Guangxu region), the Japanese aggression against China and North Korea war broke out. The war was also known as the Jiawu Sino-Japanese War because the year of 1894 was Jiawu Year according to Chinese chronology (Ganzhi). During the Yellow Sea Battle in September 1894, the Japanese fleet defeated the Qing government's Northern Fleet, after which the Qing army was defeated in a row. In April 1895, the Qing government was forced to sign the unequal"Treaty of Shimonoseki."By the terms of the treaty, China was obliged to recognize the independence of Korea, to cede the Liaodong Peninsula, Taiwan, and the Pescadores Islands to Japan ; to pay huge indemnity of taels to Japan. Japan also gained many other benehts from China. This treaty severely endangered the modern society of China and exerted huge influence on the world history. Thereafter, the ambition of carving up China became grew, which marked a further deepening of the Chinese national crisis.
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