



Jieqi means "solar period" or " solar term.” The -based agricultural calendar is divided into 24 periods, each period being marked by three climatic signs. These climatic signs occur when the sun reaches one of twenty-four equally spaced points along the ecliptic, positioned at fifteen-degree intervals. These periods are measured in the standard astronomical conventions of the ecliptic longitude, with zero degrees positioned at the vernal equinox point.
Even though the solar-based periods fall around the same date every year in the solar calendar, they do not form any obvious pattern in the Chinese calendar. These solar periods primarily work as seasonal markers to help farmers decide when to plant and harvest crops. The 24 periods are published each year in the farmers' calendar, with each calendar month containing the designated periods. These periods begin at the equinox in February, known in Chinese as the "Beginning of Spring (春)." In the same month, the second period is called "Rain Water (雨水),"which means" Starting at this point, the temperature makes rain more likely than snow." The third period in March is called "Awakening of Insects ( 惊蛰),"which means "all the hibernating insects will awaken.

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