Double happiness papercut
Chinese believe in paired “xi" (happiness). Various kinds of red papercuts have been made focusing on the Chinese written character. "Double happiness comes to the door"(shuang xi lin men) has been a most appropriate wish for various occasions. Many merchants also use this concept to promote their products. Red Double Happiness cigarette, Red Double Happiness table tennis bat and Red Double Happiness insurance are just a few examples. Papercut is a very popular folk art. Double happiness has been the focus of papercut works on all weddings in cities and villages, North and South China. On every betrothal gift and dowry, a double happiness papercut must be put at the most striking place.
The cars or sedans that fetch the bride to the wedding banquet and their new home also carry double happiness on the front. The hotel where the banquet is held must also have double happiness on any item, such as the menu, table cloth and others. From the door to the window, the newly weds room is covered with red papercuts. Double happiness is seen on every gift from friends and relatives. Even a modern digital gadget is packed with red paper that says double happiness. For all Chinese weddings, double happiness is a logo.
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