



When we talk about Confucianism, actually we are talking about the Philosophy of Confucius not a religion, which defers from Taoism, another Chinese traditional religion. Confucius, Kongfuzi in Chinese, was born in 551 B.C and died in 479 B.C, taught almost all of his life to the students estimated more than 3000, though he tried to be a politician but failed.
There are three concepts constructed the basis of Confucianism:
- The importance of the family, respect elders, and reverence for the past and ancestors.
- The basic principle of Confucianism states that What you do not wish for yourself, do not do others.
- The concept of Confucianism exerts in the Chinese daily life. Filial piety is a key part of Confucianism, which was strengthened by Menzi who was successor of Confucius. It says Filial piety is one of the virtues to be held above all else.
Nowadays, Chinese realize the importance of traditional Confucianism and learn the classical books and carry forward its spirit.

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